Our children will learn that it is the responsiblity of humans to safeguard and value the environment and the planet we have been gifted. We learn to be responsible stewards of the Earth, acknowledging the interconnectedness of all living things. We encourage them to have a balanced and respectful relationship between humanity and the environment.


Our responsibility to look after the gift of creation, and the environments important to our community, is spread across the curriculum and school life.

In Geography, the children in EYFS and KS1 are introduced to the concept and importance of weather and its effect on our planet. They are introduced to climates across the world and are taught about the benefits and challenges.They are taught about the effect that humans can have on settlements and the importance of looking after them.

KS2's knowledge rich curriculum further explores the effects mankind has on our planet, specifcially via in-depth units of 'Climate and Biomes' in Year 3, leading onto our impact on Oceans in Year 5. The importance of the Amazon rainforest on the health of the planet is studied in upper KS2, all leading to sophisticated critial analysis in Year 6 when the children learn about 'Energy and Climate Change'.

In Science, children learn to grow and nurture new life, and how to create the conditions for life to thrive. Trips and classroom teaching give them a rounded exposure to the importance of care for habitats and all living things (including themselves!).

We are very proud of our community and, via PSHE and Personal Development we ensure that the children are given an opportunity to contribute positively to keep our local community strong, clean and safe: art works for local park, litter picks, desiging community playgrounds and petitioning the Local Authority to address anti-social behaviour and littering.    

Click below to see how the topic is introduced to the children (pause any time to read more carefully):

Catholic social teaching - opening celebration

The children started the Autumn term off with a thoughful reflection on this half-term's Catholic Social Teaching theme: Care for Creation. We discussed the importance of caring for the things we've been gifted, from God's wonderful creation to the equipment at school and our possesions at home. Gratitude drives our good attitude towards creating a caring culture.