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Charging and Remissions

Educational Visits

It is expected that all children will take part in any visits arranged in connection with class activities. Due to the Education Reform Act (1988) we cannot legally charge for any activity taking place during school hours. Depending on the activity we are obliged to ask for either:

  • A payment (which can only be demanded to cover board and lodgings, e.g. a trip to Pendarren). Or
  • A Voluntary Contribution (for such activities as theatre, seaside or museum outings).

No pupil can be excluded from an outing because a parent is unable or unwilling to contribute, but if not enough voluntary contributions are received then the outing or visit may have to be cancelled. Cases of financial hardship will continue to be treated sympathetically. Please contact the Headteacher.

Letters sent home to parents/carers would refer to a charge (payment) or voluntary contribution. We believe parents value these educational activities and are willing to make a voluntary contribution to enable them to continue. Parents/carers may also be asked to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of craft, sewing and cooking materials so that the school can continue to provide these much-enjoyed activities.


School Building Fund

Each term the School Governors will request a voluntary contribution from every family towards the School Building Fund. As a Catholic school, we have a legal liability to pay 10% of the cost of building maintenance works and any necessary improvements carried out. All money received is credited to our school account held by the Diocesan Schools Building Fund.


View Policy Here

Charging and Remissions

Educational Visits

It is expected that all children will take part in any visits arranged in connection with class activities. Due to the Education Reform Act (1988) we cannot legally charge for any activity taking place during school hours. Depending on the activity we are obliged to ask for either:

  • A payment (which can only be demanded to cover board and lodgings, e.g. a trip to Pendarren). Or
  • A Voluntary Contribution (for such activities as theatre, seaside or museum outings).

No pupil can be excluded from an outing because a parent is unable or unwilling to contribute, but if not enough voluntary contributions are received then the outing or visit may have to be cancelled. Cases of financial hardship will continue to be treated sympathetically. Please contact the Headteacher.

Letters sent home to parents/carers would refer to a charge (payment) or voluntary contribution. We believe parents value these educational activities and are willing to make a voluntary contribution to enable them to continue. Parents/carers may also be asked to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of craft, sewing and cooking materials so that the school can continue to provide these much-enjoyed activities.


School Building Fund

Each term the School Governors will request a voluntary contribution from every family towards the School Building Fund. As a Catholic school, we have a legal liability to pay 10% of the cost of building maintenance works and any necessary improvements carried out. All money received is credited to our school account held by the Diocesan Schools Building Fund.


View Policy Here

Charging and Remissions

Educational Visits

It is expected that all children will take part in any visits arranged in connection with class activities. Due to the Education Reform Act (1988) we cannot legally charge for any activity taking place during school hours. Depending on the activity we are obliged to ask for either:

  • A payment (which can only be demanded to cover board and lodgings, e.g. a trip to Pendarren). Or
  • A Voluntary Contribution (for such activities as theatre, seaside or museum outings).

No pupil can be excluded from an outing because a parent is unable or unwilling to contribute, but if not enough voluntary contributions are received then the outing or visit may have to be cancelled. Cases of financial hardship will continue to be treated sympathetically. Please contact the Headteacher.

Letters sent home to parents/carers would refer to a charge (payment) or voluntary contribution. We believe parents value these educational activities and are willing to make a voluntary contribution to enable them to continue. Parents/carers may also be asked to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of craft, sewing and cooking materials so that the school can continue to provide these much-enjoyed activities.


School Building Fund

Each term the School Governors will request a voluntary contribution from every family towards the School Building Fund. As a Catholic school, we have a legal liability to pay 10% of the cost of building maintenance works and any necessary improvements carried out. All money received is credited to our school account held by the Diocesan Schools Building Fund.