Schools have a crucial role in safeguarding the well-being and safety of our children. Safeguarding is a term used to describe the measures taken to protect the health, well-being, and rights of the children that attend this school.

Excellent safeguarding is achieved through an embedded culture. Where safeguarding is embedded in the school culture, as it is is at St. John Vianney, is a natural part of every day life for staff and children.

Layers of Safeguarding that forms the "SJV Safeguarding Culture":

1. Legislation: we work clearly within the statutory DfE guidance called 'Keeping Children Safe in Education'. It sets out expectations that are used to build every day policy and safer recruitment procedures.

2. Policy: The key policy is the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, which outlines the procedures and protocols that the school follows to safeguard children and respond to any concerns about their welfare. Other key policies to support safeguarding are:

3. Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is responsible for coordinating safeguarding efforts, providing support to staff, and liaising with external agencies. The DSL is the main point of contact for any safeguarding concerns. The Designated Safeguarding Lead at SJV is Ms. Donald. If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead at

4. Staff Training: All staff members have annual safeguarding training, and DSLs are trained to a level appropriate for their role. This training helps them recognise signs of abuse or neglect and understand the procedures for reporting concerns.

6. Working With Agencies and Partners: We always share relevant information with other agencies to promote the well-being of children. Effective communication and collaboration with parents, social services, and other professionals are essential. Click here for more information about Haringey's Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

7. Creating a Safe Environment: At SJV, we pride ourselves on creating a calm, safe environment for our children that hels them stay physically and emotionally safe. Policies that are designed to help keep children safe and happy (Anti-Bullying, Online Safety, Behaviour).

8. Curriculum: We have developed a comprehensive curriculum that supports children in their ability to make safe choices and to keep them from harm (in school and outside of school, including online). Our Relationship and Health Curriculum and our PSHE (inc. Online Safety) Curriculum are key to the developement of children's safety awareness.

9. Monitoring, Review and Impact: All procedures, policies and curricula are reviewed regularly by governors, who are responsible for ensuring we discharge our safeguarding responsibilities effectively.

We also invite regular external scrutiny, from the Local Authority and/or Haringey Education Partnership, to ensure that safeguarding is a living, breathing culture at St. John Vianney. 97% of pupils when surveyed confirmed that they feel safe at school.


Watch our Anti-Bullying Briefing

We marked this year's Anti-Bullying Week by taking part in the Anti-Bullying Alliance's “Let’s Make a Noise About Bullying” campaign. Our Anti-Bullying policy sets out procedures, roles and responsibilities clearly.

Now the children know all about how to keep SJV Bully-Free, it’s important that you as parents get the same messages so that you can help support this important aspect of school life.

We have created a Parent Briefing,  which you can watch by clicking here.

It takes about 10 minutes, and it would be great if we are all on the same page! 

After watching, if you have any questions, comments or feedback, you can leave them by clicking here.

Let’s make a ‘noise about bullying’, and together keep it out of our children’s lives.


Schools have a crucial role in safeguarding the well-being and safety of our children. Safeguarding is a term used to describe the measures taken to protect the health, well-being, and rights of the children that attend this school.

Excellent safeguarding is achieved through an embedded culture. Where safeguarding is embedded in the school culture, as it is is at St. John Vianney, is a natural part of every day life for staff and children.

Layers of Safeguarding that forms the "SJV Safeguarding Culture":

1. Legislation: we work clearly within the statutory DfE guidance called 'Keeping Children Safe in Education'. It sets out expectations that are used to build every day policy and safer recruitment procedures.

2. Policy: The key policy is the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, which outlines the procedures and protocols that the school follows to safeguard children and respond to any concerns about their welfare. Other key policies to support safeguarding are:

3. Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is responsible for coordinating safeguarding efforts, providing support to staff, and liaising with external agencies. The DSL is the main point of contact for any safeguarding concerns. The Designated Safeguarding Lead at SJV is Ms. Donald. If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead at

4. Staff Training: All staff members have annual safeguarding training, and DSLs are trained to a level appropriate for their role. This training helps them recognise signs of abuse or neglect and understand the procedures for reporting concerns.

6. Working With Agencies and Partners: We always share relevant information with other agencies to promote the well-being of children. Effective communication and collaboration with parents, social services, and other professionals are essential. Click here for more information about Haringey's Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

7. Creating a Safe Environment: At SJV, we pride ourselves on creating a calm, safe environment for our children that hels them stay physically and emotionally safe. Policies that are designed to help keep children safe and happy (Anti-Bullying, Online Safety, Behaviour).

8. Curriculum: We have developed a comprehensive curriculum that supports children in their ability to make safe choices and to keep them from harm (in school and outside of school, including online). Our Relationship and Health Curriculum and our PSHE (inc. Online Safety) Curriculum are key to the developement of children's safety awareness.

9. Monitoring, Review and Impact: All procedures, policies and curricula are reviewed regularly by governors, who are responsible for ensuring we discharge our safeguarding responsibilities effectively.

We also invite regular external scrutiny, from the Local Authority and/or Haringey Education Partnership, to ensure that safeguarding is a living, breathing culture at St. John Vianney. 97% of pupils when surveyed confirmed that they feel safe at school.


Watch our Anti-Bullying Briefing

We marked this year's Anti-Bullying Week by taking part in the Anti-Bullying Alliance's “Let’s Make a Noise About Bullying” campaign. Our Anti-Bullying policy sets out procedures, roles and responsibilities clearly.

Now the children know all about how to keep SJV Bully-Free, it’s important that you as parents get the same messages so that you can help support this important aspect of school life.

We have created a Parent Briefing,  which you can watch by clicking here.

It takes about 10 minutes, and it would be great if we are all on the same page! 

After watching, if you have any questions, comments or feedback, you can leave them by clicking here.

Let’s make a ‘noise about bullying’, and together keep it out of our children’s lives.